Monday, January 24, 2011

What I learned this weekend

-I am a sore loser. I cried like a baby after my Bears lost and wanted to crawl under a rock. When the heck did I become such a football fan?
-Even when my husband is out of town and we have the bed to ourselves, the dogs and I still sleep on the edge of my side.
-Holding a baby wasn't as sad as I thought it would be, but seeing her in her daddys arms, knowing I couldn't give that to my husband just yet, broke my heart.

I'm still anxiously awaiting the blood results, praying for a miracle. I hope it was just wrong. I'm trying to tell myself that since I have 1% chance of this being true, I have 99% chance that the first results were an error. Right?! If not, I do have the appointment set up to get the vaccine on Friday.

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